Small Property Resources
Career Central
Members may send us job openings to post in our Career Central on the website. Other related areas include career education, interviewing, videos, internships and community resources. We will post openings from our members in our social channels to help create awareness of job availability.
Jobtimize is offered through Vegas PBS and is a tool to recruit job applicants and assess their skills. NHLA members with 50 or fewer employees can receive two years free.
Educational Resources
NHLA offers over 70 events and activities each year, many of which are leadership development and specific industry educational-based. The NHLA event calendar reflects all events and is updated regularly. Additionally, we work with several entities that provide valuable and relevant educational and career development programs, seminars, webinars, degrees, certifications and diplomas.
NHLA Recordings
We record many of our webinars and load them on our business YouTube page.
We publish our online newsletter, Hospitality Headliner, every Wednesday filled with news and interesting activities.
Our NHLA Master Key blog posts every Tuesday on
We post updates, events, and relevant industry updates frequently. Visit us on NHLA LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.
NHLA provides The Clean and Green Committee (housekeeping and sustainability) which is comprised of professionals with expertise in one or both of these areas. The committee meets for one hour each quarter. They also plan seminars and a half day conference for our members. Any NHLA member is welcome to join this committee.
NHLA is partnered with the Business Environmental Program with offices in Reno at UNR and in Las Vegas. They help businesses at no charge throughout NV to assess and improve their environmental programs and compliance. Get the Energy Star for small properties workbook for free.
Deals and Discounts
NHLA is pleased to offer our members a range of discounts and special offers from various companies and entities. We add new offers frequently so check back often. To qualify for the discount or offer, you must be a member of the Nevada Hotel and Lodging Association. Note: All employees of a member company can participate in NHLA activities and programs. If your company would like to submit a special offer for our members, please submit your offer here.
Educational Scholarships
Please contact us at any time for assistance.